Thank you for your interest in my work. Everything I write contains elements of sexuality to a greater or lesser degree, so if you are not the appropriate age or the right temperament to view explicit erotic material, please do not click through. Otherwise ENJOY!

ANNABEL is an erotic historical novelette - a prequel and introduction to the Witches of Scotland series.
Available as a free read from online retailers including:, Amazon.UK, and Amazon worldwide. Nook, iTunes, and Kobo
The Woman in His Room – a contemporary erotic short story, first published in the GIRLS ON TOP anthology. Listen to it read aloud in this podcast by the deliciously sexy and mutli-talented sex educator, Violet Blue.
Sightseeing in India – a contemporary erotic short story originally published by Black Lace.
Keeping Company with Chameleons – a contemporary erotic short story originally published by Black Lace.
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