Red Sage Authors webring

Red Sage Authors is the webring for authors published by Red Sage and Eredsage. You must be published or forthcoming to join. If you have any questions please mail me via the contact page link above.

If you are ready to join read the notes below and then click here.

You will be asked to fill in an online form. Please note: give the URL of the page you intend to put the ring code on when asked for your website URL. This will ultimately help visitors, because they will arrive on the page where the code is and therefore can locate it again.

You will then be given a paragraph of html code to put on your website. Copy and paste this into your own web html where you want the ring to appear (or copy and paste it into notepad/word document, save, and give it to your web person.)

Once you have registered, I will be notified. I will need to check your code has appeared on your site, then I can activate you on the ring.

Any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to ask!


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